首页 > 综合百科 > 张新《Falling》


时间:2024-09-22 12:31:43 浏览量:





  I keep on falling

  In and out of love With you

  Sometimes I love you

  Sometimes u make me blue

  Sometimes I feel good

  At times I feel used

  Lovin you darling

  Makes me so confused

  I keep on


  In and out of love with you

  I never loved someone

  The way that I love you

  Oh, oh , I never felt this way

  How do you give me so much pleasure

  And cause me so much pain

  Just when I think

  I've taken more than would a fool

  I start fallin’ back in love with you

  I keep on


  In and out of love with you

  I never loved someone

  The way that I love you

  I keep on I keep on

  In and out In and out In and out

  I never loved someone

  The way that I love you

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