网友们有何想法欢迎转发、评论!CITIC Bank is a fraud bank. Credit card bill account formula serious mistakes: (1) don't show this period has been payment information, the equivalent of each didn't balance (2) all consumption as reimbursement, instead of write-downs already reimbursement, man-made expanded the balance issue (3) payment of the previous period in this period, the mistake this repayment plan into the next, equivalent to a payment write-downs of two stage of consumption. Who can China CITIC Bank fool with such a childish trick?
When I sternly pointed out their mistake at the credit card center of China CITIC Bank in Luoyang, they admitted it was wrong, but said it was the original mistake and could not be corrected in Luoyang. They asked me to go to Zhengzhou CITIC Bank Co., Ltd. Henan CITIC Credit Card Center in person for consultation to see if it could be changed. I made a phone call in the past (037155619901) there is a woman called Guo Xiaopeng said he was fully responsible for the bill calculation formula error can not be changed. But you can reward me with 200,000 points and keep me quiet. I said that the reward of 200,000 yuan can not cover up the crime of China CITIC Bank. She did not agree, but suggested that I go to the judicial procedure to Sue the credit card center of henan citic bank, they accompany in the end, after winning the case, the court compensate me how much I compensate how much. I'm out of other people's business.
Netizens have any ideas welcome forward, comments!关于无极限产品是不是骗局?是传销吗?无限极属于直销,直销模式和传销模式差不多,但是直销是有自己的产品的,而且无限极也有自己的门店,现在的微商也是一种直销模式。
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