Philippine Bureau of Statistics
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) logo signifies its commitment to provide timely and quality statistics necessary for decision making in all aspects of Filipino life. It reflects the PSA’s vision of solid, responsive, and world-class authority on quality statistics and civil registration; and its mission to deliver relevant, reliable statistics and civil registration services for equitable development towards improved quality of life for all.
About PSA
The PSA shall primarily be responsible for the implementation of the objectives and provisions of R.A. 10625.
It shall plan, develop, prescribe, disseminate and enforce policies, rules and regulations and coordinate government-wide programs governing the production of official statistics, general-purpose statistics, and civil registration services.
It shall primarily be responsible for all national censuses and surveys, sectoral statistics, consolidation of selected administrative recording systems and compilation of national accounts.
The PSA shall:
1.Serve as the central statistical authority of the Philippine government on primary data collection;
2.Prepare and conduct periodic censuses on population, housing, agriculture, fisheries, business, industry, and other sectors of the economy;
3.Collect, compile, analyze, abstract and publish statistical information relating to the country’s economic, social, demographic and general activities and condition of the people;
4.Prepare and conduct statistical sample surveys on all aspects of socioeconomic life including agriculture, industry, trade, finance, prices and marketing information, income and expenditure, education, health, culture, and social situations for the use of the government and the public;
5.Carry out, enforce and administer civil registration functions in the country as provided for in Act 3753, the Law on Registry of Civil Status;
6.Collaborate with departments of the national government including GOCCs and their subsidiaries in the collection, compilation, maintenance and publication of statistical information, including special statistical data derived from the activities of those departments, corporations and their subsidiaries;
7.Promote and develop integrated social and economic statistics and coordinate plans for the integration of those statistics, including the national accounts;
8.Develop and maintain appropriate frameworks and standards for the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of data;
9.Coordinate with government departments and local government units (LGUs) on the promotion and adoption of statistical standards involving techniques, methodologies, concepts, definitions and classifications, and on the avoidance of duplication in the collection of statistical information;
10.Conduct continuing methodological, analytical and development activities, in coordination with the PSRTI , to improve the conduct of censuses, surveys and other data collection activities;
11.Recommend executive and legislative measures to enhance the development of the statistical activities and programs of the government;
12.Prepare, in consultation with the PSA Board, a Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP);
13.Implement policies on statistical matters and coordination, as directed by the PSA Board, and;
14.Perform other functions as may be assigned by the PSA Board and as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of RA 10625.
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