gamma function
网络伽马函数; 伽玛函数; Γ函数; 函数; gamma函数
Using gamma function, the paper popularized the common conceptions of the usual factorial, permutation and combination and proved some combination formulas in common use. 依照伽马函数,对通常的阶乘、排列、组合的概念进行了推广,并证明了一些常用的组合公式。
Evaluation of Right Ventricular Function in Patient with Chronic Cor Pulmonale by Gamma Cardiac Function Device 心功能仪对肺心病患者右心功能的评价
Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function. See Help for the equation used 返回γ函数的自然对数。有关方程式的信息,请参阅帮助
Popular choices are the exponential and inverse power functions typically used in entropy models, and the gamma function often recommended in US planning practice. 大多数的选择是指数和熵模型中常用的反幂函数,在美国的计划编制中通常建议采用γ数。
Gamma Function Approximation of Bower of Aggregate Claim Distribution for Two Different Risk Processes 两类风险过程总理赔量的Bower的Gamma函数近似
The monotonicity and logarithmically complete monotonicity properties for the Gamma function are obtained. 伽玛函数的单调性质和对数完全单调性质被获得了。
A Common Singular Integral Formula from Gamma Function 由伽马函数引出一个较普遍的反常积分公式
The difference in physical parameters between the Marshall-Palmer exponential distribution function and gamma distribution function determined becomes greater when the order of moment increases. 由此确定的MP分布函数和Γ分布函数在计算不同阶数矩对应的物理参量时存在差别,矩的阶数越高,差别越大。
In this paper, a transform factor which belongs to the inverse Gamma distribution function is introduced and the integrated inferring technology of reliability growth analysis is gained. 引入服从逆Gamma分布的折合因子,得到一种可靠性增长分析的整体推断技术。该技术是闭合的,具有递推分析形式。
Computation of auxiliary functions in molecular integral up to arbitrary accuracy(ⅰ) evaluation of incomplete gamma function by forward recurrence scheme 分子积分中辅助函数的任意精度计算(Ⅰ)&用向前递推方案计算不完全Gamma函数
According to the basic concept of Gamma function and Γ( x) distribution, this paper gives out some expression including probability density, distribution function and basic numeric characteristic value. 依据Gamma函数及Γ(x)分布的基本概念,给出了非均质性储层渗透率K的概率密度、分布函数以及基本数字特征的表达式。
Take the Gamma distribution function as the fitting function, fit with the way of least square and calculate the characteristic parameters from the Gamma function. 选择Gamma分布函数作为拟合函数,使用最乘法进行拟合,并从Gamma函数计算特征参数。
Under high resolution radar, it is more suitable for the generalized gamma probability density function ( G Γ-pdf) that characterizes the speckle component and modulation component in the clutter. The expression of generalized compound ( GC) pdf is derived based on this. 高分辨力雷达体制下,杂波散斑分量与调制分量更适合用广义Gamma分布模型描述,在此基础上本文推导了广义复合模型表达式;
Geometric Convexity of Gamma Function Gamma函数的几何凸性
In this paper, we consider the characteristics and application of gamma function which is defined by generalized integral of parametric variable. 本文研究用含参变量的广义积分定义的特殊函数-Γ函数的性质及应用。
Clinical evaluation of the measurement of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function using the gamma cardiac function device γ心功能仪测定左室收缩功能和舒张功能的临床评价
Additionally, the Gamma distribution function is proposed for the positive skewed distribution, and the parameter m in the function is also discussed. 提出了描述气泡拖尾分布的Γ函数分布,并讨论其分布函数中参数m的物理意义。
The water routing process is expressed with Gamma function importing a delay time parameter which can be calculated simply from river travel. 在径流演算模块中,将分布式瞬时响应表示为一个带有滞时的伽马函数,该滞时等于径流从网格所在位置至流域出口经历的河道汇流的传播时间。
To fit the observed raindrop size distribution, the gamma size distribution function was assumed and the parameters of the function were determined by moment method. 为了拟合实际观测的雨滴谱资料,采用不同阶数矩确定谱分布函数的谱参数。
Strict error analysis is carried out for two kinds of backward recursive algorithm, series expansion and continued fraction approximation, of incomplete Gamma function Fm ( x). 对不完全Gamma函数Fm(x)两种向后递推算法(级数展开和连分式逼近)进行了严格的误差分析。
The gamma function and its application Γ函数及应用
A Study on the General Algorithm of Gamma Distribution Function and S ( t) Curve Γ分布函数与S(t)曲线通用算法的研究
At present, the method still has some shortcomings in prac-tice, so we have transformed its mathematical expression, made it to be evaluation of gamma distribution function, and given its general analytic expression and estimation formula on truncation error. 为此对其数学表达式进行了变换,把它归纳为求解Γ分布函数的值,并给出了其通用算法的解析表达式和截断误差估计式。
We shall construct three different mathematical forms of Euler's constant γ by two different mathematical forms of Gamma's function, and calculate the improper integral, the sums of some numeral series, the infinite product and so on by Euler's constant γ. 本文通过格玛函数Γ(x)的两种不同表达方式建立Euler常数γ的三个不同的数学表达式,并由此来计算有关非正常积分、级数的和以及无穷乘积的值等。
In this paper, the author has improved the definition of TTT-transformation in [ 1], and obtained some of it'S properties, and gave the TTT-transformation of Weibull distribution by the incomplete Gamma function. 本文改进了李金林提出的关于TTT变换的定义,获得了TTT变换的若干性质,并利用不完全Gamma函数给出了Weibull分布的TTT变换。
High Precision Approximation of Gamma Function by Using Cone Curve 伽玛函数的高精度二次曲线逼近
The Gamma distribution function Γ(α,β) is always used as a prior distribution density function of Bayesian exponential reliability growth model. Different value of α,β will make considerable difference in evaluating results. Gamma分布函数Γ(α,β)常常用作贝叶斯指数可靠性增长模型的先验分布密度函数,参数α、β值的不同,将使增长试验的评估结果有很大的差异。
The value of incomplete gamma function is computed according to the approximate entropy parameter to measure the randomicity of different bit planes sequence, which is affected by texture complexity of an image. 以近似熵为参数,根据计算得到的不完全伽马函数度量图像不同位平面序列随机性的强弱,并分析了图像纹理复杂度与位平面序列随机性强弱的关系。
Because the mathematical expressions of the software development process cost function are so complicated and Gamma function is usually applied in statistic theory, so we can deal with this kind of model easily. 由于软件开发中的过程成本函数一般具有比较复杂的数学形式,采用统计理论中常用的Gamma函数形式可以使得这种模型在数学上更为容易处理。
With the help of the existed results in the field of hardware reliability research area, we present a convert method with Gamma function to express the Rayleigh model of human resource allocation during software development process. 通过借鉴硬件开发中过程模型的研究成果,提出了一种采用Gamma函数的转换方式来表达软件开发中关于资源分配的过程的Rayleigh模型。
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